Boulder School of Fine Art ACADEMY
Beginning to advanced art students wishing to learn how to draw and paint from life in natural light are invited to apply to the Boulder School of Fine Art Academy.
Our spacious Boulder, Colorado classrooms are located in a legacy artist cooperative and offer an inspiring and rare opportunity to work from life in natural north light.
The curriculum is an atelier program where students work through projects that progress from simple to more complex and study methods of drawing and painting still lifes, portraiture and figure with the support and tutelage of classically trained instructors, Elena Cantor and Ben Harden, Kim Gustason and Sharon Solomon. Students who enroll in the full time option over multiple trimesters, and the 3 years expected before program completion, can expect to expand their technique and mastery of observation of nature and creation of realistic art.
As in all our classes at the Boulder School of Fine Art, we welcome those of all religions, ethnicity, sexual orientation and identity, political views and life experiences.
Topics for study throughout the program include:
• Copying Master Drawings by Charles Bargue
• Charcoal and Oil Painting studies of reproductions of classical sculptures
• Still Lifes
• Masterpiece Painting copies
• Artistic Anatomy
• Figure Sketching
• Classical Figure
• Portraiture
• Introduction to Oil Painting, Watercolor and Colored Pencil
• Art History